What would you share with a stranger?

CouchSurfing is a planet in this "sharing economy" galaxy- and the platform for which this entire film takes place. Alexandra also explores crowd funding, co-working, ridesharing, and gifting at the ultimate sharing society - Burningman! We focus, however, on the micro by capturing the magical, heart-warming, serendipitous exchanges that occur one couch at a time.
Each host and traveler along the way provide unique experiences becoming sub-subjects illustrating the incredible exchange. Alexandra, who begins her journey full of confusion, ends up learning lessons of a lifetime with the help of a few worldly friends.
We learn, that by embracing the "age of sharing" mentality is to have access to methods which make the pursuit of your passions and dreams merely a couch away. Featured interviews include sharing economy expert Rachel Botsman, founder of Burningman Larry Harvey, sacred economist Charles Eisenstein, and of course, the founder of Couchsurfing, Casey Fenton.
Want to bring One Couch at a Time to YOUR town? Click HERE to Host a Screening!